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Zoo Explorers: Auskola / August 2024
The Auckland Hungarian School's August session took place in a unique setting at the zoo, where participants not only had the opportunity...

The Adventures of Lily and Ákos
Two students from the Auckland Hungarian School had the opportunity to participate in one of the Rákóczi Camps organized by the Rákóczi...

Exchange programme in Nelson
KCSP scholarship holders were also active participants of the first Nelson Hungarian Festival

Pub quiz / June 2024
A great atmosphere and a real competitive spirit characterised the June semi-final

May Club Day 2024
Gyermeknapi programok, könyvbemutató, közgyűlés - színes magyar kavalkád a város közepén

We escaped to Auckland!
At the end of April 2024, students aged 10 and over from AUskola had a fun-filled 'Get to know Auckland' trip. The children and their...

Interview with the New Zealand youth handball team
Youth handball. Perhaps these two words might not mean much by themselves, but when someone is a handball lover, they know exactly how...

Let's go on an adventure!
Schoolchildren from AUskola went on a trip to Tiritiri Matangi Island Az Aucklandi Magyar Iskola tanárainak és szervezőinek régi álma...

Hungarian folk dance classes in Auckland
Education and community building through dance After much anticipation, folk dance classes are back in Auckland. We started the first...

World on the Runway
Three Hungarian girls in traditional costume took to the stage in Auckland Lotti Balogh, Mandolin Ember and Viola Ember represented...
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