Zsuzsa Mathieson-Kiss donated beautiful folk costumes and tablecloths to the club
The Auckland Hungarian Club would like to express its gratitude to Zsuzsa Mathieson-Kiss for the beautiful folk costumes and tablecloths she donated to the club.

Zsuzsa once held the position of president of the club: she greeted Árpád Göncz when the former president visited New Zealand in 1999 to unveil the Székely gate and headstone in the Hungarian Millennium Park in Wellington in connection with the millennium of Hungarian statehood.
As president, Zsuzsa has always actively supported the development of cultural life within the club, especially the former dance group.
The first photo was taken on January 11, 2021, Zsuzsa's 77th birthday, for which her husband, Bill, prepared Zsuzsa's favorite dish, chicken paprikash with cucumber salad. A few months later, Zsuzsa was diagnosed with advanced dementia and severe cognitive impairment - since then she has been taken into care.
Thank you, Zsuzsa, for everything you have done for the club and for the Hungarian community in New Zealand!